[BL] Document Preview/Reader
Like in 1.0 click a document that is associated and bring up the information related to it.
Document Preview without Downloading would be niceThis reader should be view-only (no edits)… in a future version we’d like edit capability (e.g. to allow annotations such as textboxes… if we can even get a read-only viewer for the time being that would be a big win)
Allows a document to be viewed in the browser and optionally downloaded
Maybe mimic the O365 outlook model or Google Drive model of handling files?
only supports these file types:
PICTURES: jpg png bmp tiff jpeg
OFFICE: doc docx xls xlsx ppt pptx
TEXT: txt csv dat json xml
if not a supported file type defaults to browser behavior (download then let windows handle how to open)
should be used for:
Evidence uploaded by assessor or subscriber
Any contracts such as rep letter participation letter
Test plans QA checklists
(Anything attached really)
Dave Anderson commented
When selecting link documents for validated assessment, have browser display a document preview without having to download all documents locally.