Adding a "LINKAGE" sheet in uploaded Excel workbooks tells MyCSF where to link the sheet throughout the assessment
Linking evidence throughout an assessment is time-consuming. To make it a tiny bit easier, and specifically when adding an Excel file as evidence, MyCSF should look for a LINKAGE worksheet in the uploaded workbook. If found, MyCSF should use the contents of that LINKAGE sheet to know where to link the workbook throughout the assessment.
The contents of the linkage sheet could be as simple as:
• column A: BUID or CVID of the requirement to link the workbook to
• column B: Link to the Policy level (Yes/No)
• column C: Link to the Process level (Yes/No)
• column D: Link to Implemented (Yes/No)
• column E: Link to Measured (Yes/No)
• column F: Link to the Managed (Yes/No)
This would let you upload an Excel file and link it to many requirements and control maturity levels, all in on action. Any requirement (specified by BUID or CVID) can be listed on the linkage sheet. So, if you’re uploading a document in one requirement you could still specify the BUIDs of any other requirements in the assessment.